Enhancing Safety Performance by Recognizing the Role of Perceived Management Commitment to Safety in the Jordanian Healthcare Industry: Conceptual Framework


  • Mohammad Adel Al-Bsheish College of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia




Healthcare industry, perceived management commitment to safety (PMCS), physiological empowerment.


Nowadays, workplace safety is a clear concern for both individuals and organizations, particularly in developing countries such as Jordan. This is evidenced by the expanding body of safety-related literature published on this regard. This paper develops a conceptual framework of safety management based on perceived organizational support theory. The main aim of this framework is to disclose the causal links between a physiological empowerment, respect, perceived management commitment to safety and safety performance based on previous studies. Such framework could have impact on practical issues in healthcare industry, as well as enhancing the body of related literature on perceived management commitment to safety. Consequently, this framework presents a new trend concerning perceived management commitment to safety through investigating each dimension of safety climate individually.    



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