Building a Climate of Change with a link through Transformational Leadership and Corporate Culture: A Management key to a Global Environment


  • Paul Llwellyn Flemming The University of the Virgin Islands



Global, Caribbean, Transformational leadership, organizational culture, performance


Leaders in the Caribbean Diaspora have argued that there is no documented evidence of the association between the three fundamental pillars of public sector organization: leadership, performance and culture. This cross-culture leadership concern has evoked a series of research which basic aim is to conceptualize the leadership culture phenomenon. The problem is that there is a high degree of dysfunctional leadership within the public sectors organizations in the Caribbean diaspora and there is limited empirical evidence that can be had to validate the reason for this inadequacy. The purpose of this study is to investigate the link between transformational leadership styles, corporate organizational culture types and performance in sixteen public sectors organizations. The methodology implemented in this research is the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ 5X), and the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) to collect data. Seventy-five executive directors completed measures of the MLQ 5x leadership traits and culture types. A total of 200 employees from   across sixteen public sector organizations completed the measures on leadership and culture. The responses were scaled and coded to enable the segmentation of the data into dependent and independent variables based on the leadership, performance and culture variables. The study utilized the multiple regression models and correlation statistical analyses to determine the degree of commonality among the components. The results indicate support for the hypotheses link between the traits of transformational leadership and organizational culture with performance being the mediating variable. Exploratory analysis showed that several executive leaders have leadership traits that support culture values. The study concluded that transformational leadership and corporate organizational culture have positive effects on facilitating performance and is best suited in managing change and innovation in mature public and private sector organizations.

Author Biography

  • Paul Llwellyn Flemming, The University of the Virgin Islands

    Paul L. Flemming, Ph.D., MBA. MPA, CFE, BBA

    Assistant Professor of Business and Management

    Assistant Dean, School of Business St. Croix Campus

    Director, Graduate Studies Department

    Director, Entrepreneurship Business Institute

    Faculty Senator

    Business Consultant



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