The Effect of Proclivity to Open Innovation, Job Complexity and Technology Turbulence on Creativity: Evidence from Technologically Less Advanced Countries


  • Mohotti Mudiyanselage Dharsana Rathnayake Deegahawature School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, P.R. China.



Open innovation proclivity, Job complexity, Technology turbulence, Creativity, Job design


Despite the growing interest on open innovation, its effect on creativity has not yet been received a scholarly attention. Also, the effect of job design and turbulent environment on creativity in technologically less advanced countries is largely unexplored. Closing this gap, present study investigates the effect of proclivity to open innovation, job complexity, and technology turbulence on creativity. Building on the componential theory of creativity and job characteristics model of work motivation, this paper proposes positive causations from open innovation proclivity and job complexity to creativity. A positive effect from the technology turbulence to creativity is posited. Also, moderating role of job complexity and technology turbulence on proclivity to OI is assessed. The findings from a cross-sectional survey of 363 managerial employees in Sri Lanka indicate that open innovation proclivity, technology turbulence and job complexity have positive effect on creativity. Also, both moderating variables have negative effect. Thus, managerial employees’ baseline attitudes towards open innovation, complex job designs and turbulent environment enhance creativity. Also, highly complex job designs and turbulent environment undermine the effect of proclivity to open innovation on creativity. Consequently, while using open innovation to promote creativity, the firms should be cautious on the adverse effect of highly complex job designs and turbulent environment. Finally, this paper provides implications, limitations and opportunities for future research. 


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