Managing Media: Segmenting Media Through Consumer Expectancies


  • Matt Eastin University of Texas at Austin
  • Vincent Cicchirillo University of Texas at Austin
  • Nicole Cunningham University of Texas at Austin
  • Ming-Ching Liang University of Texas at Austin



Segmentation, Media Management, Motivations


It has long been understood that consumers are motivated to media differently. However, given the lack of comparative model analysis, this assumption is without empirical validation, and thus, the orientation of segmentation from a media management perspective is without motivational grounds. Thus, evolving the literature on media consumption, the current study develops and compares models of media segmentation within the context of use. From this study, six models of media expectancies were constructed so that motivational differences between media (i.e., local and national newspapers, network and cable television, radio, and Internet) could be observed. Utilizing higher order statistical analyses the data indicates differences across a model comparison approach for media motivations. Furthermore, these differences vary across numerous demographic factors. Results afford theoretical advancement within the literature of consumer media consumption as well as provide media planners’ insight into consumer choices.

Author Biographies

  • Matt Eastin, University of Texas at Austin

    Department of Advertising

    Associate Professor

  • Vincent Cicchirillo, University of Texas at Austin

    Department of Advertising

    Assistant Professor

  • Nicole Cunningham, University of Texas at Austin

    Department of Advertising

    Graduate Student

  • Ming-Ching Liang, University of Texas at Austin

    Department of Advertising

    Graduate Student


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