A Structural Equation Modeling Approach to Investigate Negative Word of Mouth Impact on Customer-Based Brand Equity: Does Attribution Matter?


  • Ahmed Yehia Ebeid Associate Professor, Faculty Of Commerce, Mansoura University & Head Of Business Administration Department, Faculty Of Business Administration, Delta University For Science & Technology
  • Hesham F. Gadelrab




Attribution Theory, Brand Equity, Word-of-Mouth, Structural Equation Modeling.


There is a shortage in the research which addresses the relationship between negative word of mouth (WOM) communication and customer-based brand equity dilution. This research utilizes attribution theory to demonstrate the negative word-of-mouth impact on the customer-based brand equity. Structural equation modeling was used to investigate the proposed effect of negative WOM on brand equity. The study sample consists of 71 post-graduate students, the object of negative WOM was laptops which considered a highly involvement product. Experimental investigation results reveal that customer exposure to negative word-of-mouth increases the brand equity dilution. Results were discussed in the light of casual attribution theory, and practical implications were provided.


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